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Thoughts Of A Web Designer: Creative Website Design

You’d be surprised by the hats I wear as a website designer.


I start by gathering all the data, I always have multiple sources such as an old website a copy document, but I often have to go hunting for more info on social media to complete the picture. I will often scout LinkedIn and Facebook to find out more about my client, their business and their target audience.

Copy Writer:

I also put a lot of thought behind every headline and the subconscious impression the headlines create together when the visitor is scamming through them. For example, if the words that stood out to you while you scanned through a website were: “Experts”, “Happy Customers”, “Easy Process,” and “Multiple Awards” even without reading much else, a pretty positive picture has been painted in your mind right?


Once the picture has been painted I concentrate on strategic calls to action and think about the user journey. What would create the least resistance for them in their customer journey? What would encourage them to make contact with the business? What would plant the seeds of confidence in their mind and build trust with the brand the website is about?

All web design decisions should result in a well-thought-out, strategic and planned-out website that also looks sleek and attractive. You don’t want a technical site created without thinking about its effect on the visitor and how it plays into the overall brand strategy and image, you want someone on your team who treats your business with the same care as they do their own.

Look for a web designer or web design agency that is:

  • Thorough in their work
  • Original with the aesthetics of the websites they put out
  • Strategic in their decisions