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Uncovering your Why is the best thing you can do for your business

Think about the statement “people don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it”… when you uncover your beliefs, (those deeper beliefs that inspired you to start your own business)
and use it as part of your brand strategy and message, your brand’s positioning will be timeless. It will be deep, universal and the best starting point for all other marketing efforts, brand visuals and copy-writing.

It will be the cornerstone of building a community around your brand, it will be your way of connecting with your audience and it will ultimately be the reason why people buy from you. Because people don’t buy the features or the details of the products, they buy based on emotion, and they buy from people whose beliefs and values they share. Beliefs and values that they can understand and relate to.

"Martin Luther King Did Not Give an I-Plan Speech, He Gave an I-Believe Speech"

When all the extras are stripped away: the beautiful graphics, the advertisements, the funnels, and freebies, your Why will always be there, your Why will be the heart and soul of your business, what drives it forward and what keeps it on track.

It is my job as a brand strategist to uncover your Why, create a mission statement and position your brand around it and then use that to create marketing that comes straight from your heart and connects with others on a meaningful level.

I am proud to be offering Brand Strategy as part of our services here at Kitchener agency, Dream In Digital, this powerful tool allows all of our design and marketing efforts to be driven by strategy, purpose, and awareness.

Want to uncover your Why? Book a Strategy Workshop via our contact form!